Tuesday, September 05, 2006


After a "meeting of the minds," the dates for Mike's memorial service have officially been set in stone for the weekend of October 13th (Mike's birthday weekend). We are in the planning stages at this point, but Nicole and I, with help from Mike's brother Dave, will have the agenda together soon.

At this point we've determined that the memorial will be on Saturday, October 14th in Tampa (place to be determined). Dave confirmed his parents will be attending, so for those of us that weren't able at attend Mike's service, this would be a great opportunity to pay our respects. For those who will be flying in Friday, October 13th, we would like to meet at a local pub in honor of Mike's birthday.

Planning this service still seems strange, since it still doesn't seem real that Mike is gone. Bare with us, and please feel free to share any thoughts or ideas you may have. Mike had a lot of friends, and we want to make sure everyone has a part.

To contact me, please email me at: rdawson@weichert.com or on my cell @ 973-768-7468



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